Blue Baby Breath Bouquet


Blue Baby Breath Bouquet

$60.30 Sale Save

Lasting Bouquet for memory keepsake and all occasions.

Flowers lasting for years to come.

Does anyone in your life love the color blue? Surprise them by getting our Blue Baby Breath bouquet today!
Our Baby Breath bouquets come in various colors as well.

Featuring Lush in White Wrapping 

Inclusive of a handwritten message card attached to the bouquet when you add a message to your order.
Certain flowers are subjected to seasonal availability. 
Hence, the final result might not be exact to the above illustration.

Size Regular
Base Wrapper Colour White

Only 0 left in stock

We offer complimentary message writing services please input your message or request under Special instruction for Seller by clicking on the 🛒on the top right hand corner after adding product to cart

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