Pink Heartstring Valentine's Day Bouquet
Pink Heartstring Valentine's Day Bouquet
Make your Valentine's Day truly special with our Pink Heartstrings bouquet, an elegant arrangement of pink flowers designed to express your love and affection
See the true beauty of our bouquet in natural daylight. No filter was applied.
Flowers Used: Roses, Panicum, Matthiola, and Eucalyptus Leaf
Featuring Regular with red roses
Customize your bouquet to suit your taste by selecting from a variety of rose colors available at the option
Regular: 55cmHeight x 25cmWidth
Make your gift even more meaningful by adding a personal touch with a handwritten message card included in your bouquet. Simply enter your message at the checkout page and we'll take care of the rest.
Please note that the availability of some flowers may vary depending on the season, and as a result, the final bouquet may differ slightly from the illustration shown.