Zaria Hydor Bouquet
Zaria Hydor Bouquet
Zaria Hydor Bouquet
Zaria Hydor Bouquet


Zaria Hydor Bouquet

$157.00 Sale Save
The bouquet showcases the beauty of hydrangeas, with their stunning large and rounded clusters of blooms, complemented by the delicate fragrance of sweet-smelling lilies. The charming and bright mini daisies add a light touch of playful energy to the arrangement.

Featuring Zaria Hydor Bouquet in Baby Blue Hydrangeas
Flowers Used: Hydrangeas, Liles, and Mini Daises

Regular: 55cmHeight x 45cmWidth

Make your gift even more meaningful by adding a personal touch with a handwritten message card included in your bouquet. Simply enter your message at the checkout page and we'll take care of the rest.

Please note that the availability of some flowers may vary depending on the season, and as a result, the final bouquet may differ slightly from the illustration shown.

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